External Functionality (EF) is a general term for components or entities with embedded applications that execute outside of the OMA Application Environment, and conform to the EF Requirements. The External Functionality can be built-in or connected to a mobile terminal. This connection can be permanent or temporary and realized virtually with software or a real connection.
The External Functionality Interface (EFI) allows access to that functionality through the namespace corresponding to a special class of defined functionality; so called EF Class. The name scheme is defined in the EFI Framework [EFIFRM] document (see OMA-WAP-EFI-v1_1). A simple view of the model scheme is as follows:
'efi://' Server '/' [ Service ] [ '?' Parameters ]
In order to register a Server, a short descriptive name and link to a description of its use should be provided. The information to be included in a request may be found here.
To claim uniqueness of a specific class namespace, the Server name of this class is registered in this table.